Welcome to our Digital Catalogue Join us for unforgettable shopping in July. Explore this catalogue for incredible deals on health must-haves, fashion, beauty essentials, home and more. Here is a sneak peek of what is in store: 12470 Colds & Flu Tea & Colds & Flu Fizzy Cha e Fizz para gripe e refriado 20 Teabags & 10 Effervescent Tablets R BO 1 T 2 H 5 FOR / SAVE R49 AMBOS POR BTW - NOT AVAILABLE NAM - N$125 SAVE N$49 USD - US$8,5 SAVE US$3,25 MOZ - NOT AVAILABLE 12097 Lemon Limão Body Cream , Hand Cream & Body Lotion Crème Corporal, Creme para as Mãos e Loção Corporal ALL 3 FOR TODOS OS 3 POR R139 SAVE R40 BTW - P112 SAVE P32 NAM - N$139 SAVE N$40 USD - US$9.5 SAVE US$2.5 MOZ - 770MT POUPA 220MT 13886 Black/ Tan Preto/Castanho Collete Satchel and Collette Zip Around Purse Collete satchel e zip ao redor da carteira BOTH FOR / AMBOS POR R579 SAVE R199 BTW - P464 SAVE P159 NAM - N$579 SAVE N$199 USD - US$38.75 SAVE US$13.25 MOZ - 2745MT POUPA 945MT 12926 2 x 3pc Ziva Cranberry Mugs 2 x 3 canecas de cranberry Ziva R329 SAVE R61 BTW - P264 SAVE P48 NAM - N$329 SAVE N$61 USD - US$22 SAVE US$4 MOZ - 1300MT POUPA 240MT BROWSE THE CATALOGUE TO FIND YOUR FAVOURITES TODAY. HAPPY SHOPPING!
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